2025 Details Coming Soon
Race Directors' Meeting
2024 Faculty
Eli Asch
Eli Asch is Founder & Principal of Endurance Sports Consultancy. A past Race Director of two top-10 American marathons (California International Marathon: 2014-2019; Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon: 2020-2023). He was also once a very average former Division III Cross Country runner and has a passion for the sport that greatly exceeds his talent.
Jeff Darman
Director, ACLI Capital Challenge; Marketing Consultant; Past President, RRCA; Former Consultant to Moving Comfort, Nike, and Running Times; Former Member, World Athletics Running Commission.
Terry Diller
Senior Vice President/Agency Partner, Insurance Management Group.
Andrea Dowdy
CEO and Executive Director, Colfax Marathon Partnership (Denver); Extensive Sports industry and executive positions with Walt Disney Company and Kodak.
Tamara Keith
An avid runner, Tamara Keith is Senior White House correspondent for NPR and appears weekly on the PBS News Hour as part of its Politics Monday segment. She is a former president of the White House Correspondents Association.
Dave McGillivray
Founder/Owner President, DMSE Sports, Inc. and of the Dave McGillivray Finish Strong Foundation, Inc.; Race Course Director, B.A.A. Boston Marathon and race director of numerous other major events.
Laurel Park
Former President, Ann Arbor Track Club; Survey and Research Consultant.
Phil Stewart
President, Road Race Management; Co-author, “Organizing Running Events; Director, Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile; Vice-President, PRRO; Race Announcer for many prominent national events.
Doug Thurston
Race Director of various events since the mid-1980’s, including: Tulsa (OK) Run, Columbus (OH) Marathon, Big Sur Marathon, many Rock ‘n’ Roll events and the 1992 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials. Editor of Oklahoma Runner Magazine (1984-1989); nominated for RRM Race Director of the Year in 1992 and 2020. Currently consulting in course operations with various events around the country as well as measuring 40-plus courses a year as a World Athletics/AIMS Level A measurer.