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Road Race Management 


Road Race Management Order Form


Use this form to order:

          • Road Race Management Membership (remember current members, and those joining now, can add up to two individuals in their organization as members for FREE. Once you complete your membership below (or if you are already a member), CLICK HERE to give details on the additional members).
          • Organizing Running Events: The Complete Guide to Staging a Successful Road Race, 2nd Edition

If you are a member of Road Race Management, be sure to select the member price when you order RRM publications*


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4963 Elm St.
Suite 106
Bethesda, MD 20814
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Road Race Management Membership (One year - Individual Membership)

1-Year Membership (New or Renewal): $118.00

Remember current members, and those joining now, can add up to two individuals in their organization as members for FREE. Once you complete your membership below (or if you are already a member), CLICK HERE to give details on the additional members.

Organizing Running Events: The Complete Guide to Staging a Successful Road Race, 2nd Edition
Regular Shipping 3-5 Days for U.S. Orders; 6-10 Days for Canada orders, and 6-14 days for Non-U.S./Non-Canada Orders. Certain countries must use Expedited Shipping with Tracking below. This is due to the inability to deliver non-tracked shipments to some countries. If you are ordering from overseas and aren't sure if your country requires Overseas Tracking please call RRM at 310-320-6865, and we will let you know how to proceed.
U.S. RRM Members*: $92 (includes postage & handling)
U.S. Non-RRM Members: $112 (includes postage & handling)
Canada RRM Members*: $115 (includes postage & handling)
Canada Non-RRM Members: $135 (includes postage & handling)
Non-U.S./Non-Canada RRM Members*: $160 (includes postage & handling)
Non-U.S./Non-Canada Non-RRM Members: $180 (includes postage & handling)
Maryland residents add 6% sales tax 
TOTAL ENCLOSED (U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. based bank)

*(You must be a member of Road Race Management to take advantage of member discounts and offers. Click here for details on joining Road Race Management).

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